Monday, November 16, 2015

Week 13?

November 9, 2015

So ... this week was transfers and (drum roll please....) I'm staying in Secada with Hna Tituaña! haha That was actually no surprise since we've both only been in Secada for one transfer and she is training me, but just thought you should know.  Also they decided to split our area, and they sent in two new elders to work in half of our area.  So we lost a few of our investigators, but luckily we still have the Golden Family! ;)

Speaking of which, remember how I told you they were getting married last Saturday? Yeah didn't happen ... there's been some problems with their paperwork and its been this huge mess for us.  Now it looks like they won't be able to get married until the 21st or maybe even later.. we´re not sure. I´ll keep you updated! They still have the desire to get married and baptized, so keep praying for them!

It was pretty sweet, the other day the Mom of the Golden family told us that when we first showed up at her door she thought we looked happy, and when she talked to us she noticed that we seemed to have this light, or this happiness, that she wanted. That is why she kept talking to us.  When she went to church she noticed that same happiness in the families of the members and decided she wanted that for her family. It was so sweet because even though I sometimes can´t really talk to her, I tried to always smile and act Christ-like.  It made my day that she actually noticed that and that it made a difference!

Hmm what else... for our service this week guess what we did? No, we didn't weed a lawn, like we always do, this time we hand washed stuffed animals! It was very interesting... but there's a first time for everything! It was for this sweet family of recent converts who have two cute little girls who call me "chica bonita" (pretty girl, basically) and always come up and pet my skin.. haha. I wanted to get a picture with them to send to you, but they were at school when we went to visit them. maybe next week!  

Remember how I told you that basically everyone here is less active in the church? This week basically proved that. We contacted so many people and legit almost all of them are members.  It's pretty funny cause they won't tell you right out that they're members.  Well be like "hey, we're missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, have you heard of this church?" and they'll be like "yeah" and we'll ask "what have you heard?" "lots of things" "well we want to invite you to church this Sunday because we know it's the true church, blah blah blah.. do you think you can come with us this Sunday?" "yeah, well I'm a member of your church"... like wow maybe you should have said that when we asked if you had heard of us.  Anyways it's pretty funny.  We´ve been working a lot with less actives this week and hopefully we can help some of them!

Hmmm... also a Hermana in our ward just came home from her mission in Chile! So now we have a returned missionary to accompany us to our different lessons, and she is awesome! I asked her if she knew an Elder Crane, because I knew he was serving in Chile but I didn't know what mission.  She said she recognizes the name but she doesn't know him... so she might actually have been in the same mission as Josh Crane haha!

Anyways ... sorry this week I also don't have many pictures cause we didn't really do anything on pday and I kept forgetting to bring my camera with me places, but I do have some with members!
Us with Estefani ... she is 18 and a recent convert.  She's always so happy and willing to talk with us!
She's awesome!
With Estefani (again) and Rahicy (a member who literally always comes out with us on visits.  She's the best) They're super cute and I love them despite the fact that they always make fun of my Spanish.  :) 

Love you all!
Hermana Gurney 

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