So I don't really know what to talk about this week...
We found another family that really seems to want to progress... they're just never home haha. The mom and dad work all day every day so we can never go visit them at a set time. It´s kind of rough. It's a fun story on how we found them... so like a month or so ago we contacted the driver of a motokar and he told us he wanted us to come visit his family and share our message with them. We wrote down his address and told him we'd come by that Thursday. When we went to go find his address, we couldn't find the street he lived on and so we couldn't go visit him. But then THAT night, we took another motokar back to our apartment, and guess who was driving it? The same guy we had just been looking for! So then he told us where is street was and we promised to come by the next week. The next week we start looking for his house on the street. We know we have the right street but we couldn't find his house haha. We got really discouraged cause it seemed like too much of a coincidence that we contacted him twice. So we decided to ask everyone who lived on this street if they knew a Sergio. And that worked! We were able to find his house... only his wife was home. She told us that her husband had been telling her about us and that she was so happy we found her, and she told us to come by the next day. So we come by the next day... and no one is home haha. So then as we were walking to our next appointment, the wife drives by and sees us and so we start talking to her and set up another appointment in the morning. The next morning we go and visit them and both the husband and wife were there (it was such a miracle) and they were like "we want to get baptized" so yeah we´re now working with this family, whenever they´re home. We´re going to go visit them this week again so hopefully we can visit them at a time when they are all there!
Also this week on Saturday our stake had a service activity where we went into Iquitos and cleaned the streets.. but in proselyting clothes. So it was super confusing because we were there in white shirts and ties or dresses cleaning the streets... hahaha but it was good. The only problem was I forgot my sunscreen.... so yeah I'm basically a lobster right now. It doesn't actually hurt that bad, only when I'm sleeping cause then its rubbing against my burn. But now I have a nice watch tan! I'm going to try to find aloe vera today in the stores but I don't actually know what its called in spanish so wish me luck finding it!
Also fantastic news: they all gave us DVDs of general conference... and mine is in ENGLISH! so I get to listen to general conference in English whenever I want! (okay well not really whenever, but when I have "time" I get to watch it! yay!!)
(Thank you to Sister Cummings for sending me a package. I haven't opened yet I'm trying to be patient and follow the instructions on the box and not open it until Christmas, but it certainly is veryyyy tempting! even my companion is dying to open it hahaha)
Okay I love you all! Thank you so much for your examples and love and emails!
Talk to you next week!
Hermana Gurney
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